Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts Names New Co-Chairs of the Board of Directors and Recognizes Retiring Founding Chair

After reaching his term limit, Robert H. Heim, a retired Dechert Partner, is stepping down as Chairman of the Board of Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts.  His successors as Co-Chairs will be fellow board members Sarah Gitchell, Esq., SVP, Content Acquisition, Comcast Corp., and Saul Ewing Partner, Joshua W. B. Richards, Esq.  


Heim co-founded Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts and led the board for over 25 years. His tenure was marked by the establishment of the organization, the first of its kind, to support merits selection of appellate court judges in the Commonwealth, as well as to support improvements to Pennsylvania’s Judicial Discipline System. Under his guidance, Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts has become a beacon of advocacy and education, championing the importance of an independent judiciary, and of education about PA courts.  Heim's unwavering commitment to PMC's mission and vision, his cultivation of relationships, and his advocacy efforts have significantly strengthened the public's understanding of the importance of the judiciary's independence and the rule of law. “Bob’s support and leadership of PMC have been invaluable, and we are honored that he will become Board Chair Emeritus,” said Deborah Gross, PMC President and CEO. 

“The appointment of Sarah Gitchell and Joshua Richards as Co-chairs is truly exciting as their combined expertise and commitment will drive PMC’s mission forward. In their roles as Co-chairs, Sarah and Josh will further PMC’s dedication to expanding our mission across the state and continuing to inform and educate the community on the importance of the judicial branch, judicial system reforms and civics education.”  

“As I undertake this new challenge, I’m struck by just how much PMC has accomplished over the years under the incredible leadership of Bob Heim and its outstanding executive directors.  I’m excited about the opportunity to do my part to continue that work alongside Sarah Gitchell and optimistic for the invaluable work that PMC will continue to do in Pennsylvania.” said Josh Richards.